Succession Planning

When we think of succession planning, we normally think of the CEO when they retire.  And, we think about it too late. But succession planning is the perfect opportunity to be proactive and consider the challenges your successor will need to prepare for, both...

Put Learning Out On The Table

Using Table Top Business Simulations™ Lecture. Testing. Prototyping. Modeling. Practice. Rehearsal. Beta.  The best way to learn and practice a complex set of tasks and skill building is to simulate. Table Top Business Simulations™ gets participants off the...


MEETINGS! What causes you to run INTO a burning building as fast as you can, pulling your hair out and praying for your own demise?  Someone scheduled a meeting! We’ve all been there….. Stop thinking the word “meeting” and ask WHY people are so fed up...

Goal Setting

Goal setting can really be a pain, due in large part to the miserable “rules” out there.  So, with that in mind, let’s break the rules! Here are a few quick tips to make sure the goals you set have a chance of coming to success. Write them down.Make them...