Customer Service: Part 2

Last week I presented a customer service breakdown.  The situation was showing up at your hotel with reservations and finding they did not have you booked.  Realizing your reservation was missing, they stand there with their great customer service smile and deer in...

What Makes You So Special?

WHAT MAKES YOU SPECIAL: RISE ABOVE THE CLUTTER! “You have to rise above the clutter.” There is not a marketing consultant out there that has not said this and it is true. Chris Brown from Marketing Resources & Results of Hudson, Ohio talks about...

The Respectful Question

“JUDGE A MAN BY HIS QUESTIONS RATHER THAN BY HIS ANSWERS.” VOLTAIRE I chuckle every time I see a workshop purporting to teach you listening skills when they do not even approach the subject of how to ask a better question.  I am not sure all the listening skills...

Pushing Credit Down

As a leader do you push credit down to your team, or do you keep it all?  As John Maxwell points out, when you try and keep others down, you go down with them. But, when you pull others up, you go up with them. This is a great example of pushing...