Are You A Terrible Interviewer?

Also known as the Interview Doctor, Katherine Burik is part of the Aegis team specializing in interview techniques that produce outstanding hiring results.  We are proud to be featuring one of her articles this week. “Terrible” is such an awful word.  I...

Why We Hate Meetings And What To Do About It

From time to time we have a guest blogger. This week our guest is Eric Camulli, Vice President of Marketing and Product Management at 7 Signal in Akron, Ohio. Meetings. We need them but we hate them. Why? Because we neither know how to run them nor...

Customer Service

I have long held that customer service is first and foremost a leadership activity, not a front-line activity. This, of course, is counter-intuitive. We think customer service stays with the person delivering the service such as the nurse, waiter, sales associate or...