“You have to rise above the clutter.” There is not a marketing consultant out there that has not said this and it is true.
Chris Brown from Marketing Resources & Results of Hudson, Ohio talks about setting your business apart from the rest. As with many things, I was completing her thoughts before she was done talking. I was not following the adage, “listen to understand, not to reply.”
Chris tossed a bucket of cold water on me with her opening sentence; “What makes you so special?”
And so it went, illustrations and examples of what made this product or that company “special” in the eyes of the consumer.
Each business, product, and person should have or do something special to set them apart from the crowd.
The IBM Selectric III had the erase button.
Ritz-Carlton is known for their superior customer service.
Richard Branson is direct, energetic, and focused on his employees.
Wheels on luggage made suitcases special.
The real learning here is that what makes you special, can be the smallest of things about your business, or yourself.
I made a note to myself, “What makes us so special?”
What’s in your journal?