
Monday Moments 1/27/2014

I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everyone.-Bill Cosby Ned's Note-It takes courage to NOT please everyone. Who will you not please this week, and is it with the best of intentions and in good faith?

Monday Moments 1/20/2014

This country is teaching children WHAT to think instead of HOW to think.-John Earl Shoaff (1962) Ned's Note-It is easy to tell someone what to think. The real teacher, mentor and coach teaches HOW to think. What will you do this week?

Monday Moments 1/13/2014

Do not be angry with me if I tell you the truth.-Socrates Ned's Note-It is an easy concept to ask for feedback, but it takes courage to smile and say thank you when you get it. What are you going to do this week?

Monday Moments 1/6/2014

"What we must decide is perhaps how we are valuable, rather than how valuable we are."-Edgar Z. Friedenberg Ned's Note-In other words, what value will you ADD to someone else this week, instead of showing them how valuable you are.

Monday Moments 12/30/2013

A horse never runs so fast as when he has other horses to catch up to and outpace.-Ovid Ned's Note-If you are trying to figure out how to get your employees to run, try running yourself.

Monday Moments 12/16/2013

Don't let your kid's bedroom become a social cave.-Tim Dimoff Ned's Note-I couldn't agree more - no phones, TVs, or computers should be in your kids' bedrooms. Every day in our house, we do High-Lows. What was your high moment of the day and what was your low moment?...

Monday Moments 12/9/2013

"Put all your excuses aside and remember this, you are capable."-Zig Ziglar Ned's Note-I am not a big fan of Zig's but he did nail it on this one. You are capable.

Monday Moments 12/2/2013

Experience is not what happens to a man. It is what a man does with what happens to him.-Aldous Huxley Ned's Note-I am going to change this quote slightly this week. Wisdom is what a man does with his experience. What wisdom have you gained this week?

Monday Moments 11/25/2013

"So often in time it happens, we all live our life in chains, and we don'teven know we have the key."-The Eagles Ned's Note-How many others are you blaming for your chains?