Service Industry
Finance for The Non-Financial Manager
Apples And Oranges™ Service is a hands-on experimental program to teach finance to the non-financial person at all company levels.
Apples & Oranges™ Service Focuses on:
- Understanding how improving the utilization of staff and better procedures for forecasting and planning can affect the bottom line
- Gaining a better appreciation of the issues that arise when expanding to meet customer demands better
- Understanding how the configuration (volume, loyalty, image, price, payment terms) of the customer base affects, for example, cash flow, short-term profitability and long-term market value
- Understanding how their daily decisions impact the company strategically and financially
- Learning basic business finance language and business logic – “how it works.”
- Continuously identifying improvements in the business processes
- Knowing how their business generates profits today and how it will need to generate profits in the future
- Understanding the meaning of working capital and how the use of assets and people affects the profitability
- Understand the meaning and leverage effects of value and business drivers
We teach Finance for the non-financial Manager using the world-renowned Apples and Oranges™ from Celemi International.
“In one of our factories, we came up with £1 million worth of potential improvements as a direct result of the Celemi business simulation.” Manager, GlaxoSmithKline
What To Consider When Teaching Finance For The Non-Financial Manager
What You Will Learn
Your employees will strengthen their business skills and acumen. People learn to deploy company resources more efficiently. Participants will learn to:
- Read and interpret financial statements
- Identify critical elements affecting profitability
- Analyze financial ratios and key performance indicators
- Explore the cause-and-effect relationships governing a company’s financial statements
How You Benefit
You can manage to create:
- A common vision throughout the organization
- A shared entry-level understanding of financial and management concepts
- Understand how your employees’ daily decisions impact the company strategically and financially
- Understand how your people can continuously identify improvements in their business operations
- Understand how the business generates profits today and in the future
- Better communication on key messages during times of organizational change
Who Uses Celemi Apples & Oranges™ People at all levels and all experience levels.
Business Issues Celemi Apples & Oranges™ Helps Solve the Following Business Issues:
- Business Finance Value Drivers
- Key performance indicators
- Balance sheet
- Profit and loss statement
- Cash flow
- Working capital
- Economy of Scale
- Value-Added Services
- Operations Efficiency
- Continuous Improvements
Celemi Profit Simulator™ – Pulling the right levers
Can one person’s actions make a difference in profits? In Celemi seminars, participants discover several opportunities for cost savings and improving cash flow. Using the Celemi Profit Simulator™, facilitators illustrate how small changes can significantly impact the bottom line.
Celemi Apples & Oranges™ is available in four versions based on different business logic; Manufacturing, Manufacturing-Sales, Retail, and Service.
Apples and Oranges General Product Sheet – English (high resolution, CMYK colors)